Booking & Cancellation
Appointments are only confirmed and reserved after your invoice has been paid. When cancellation occurs with less than 24 hours notice, a non-refundable $100 deposit will be forfeited and the remaining balance refunded back to you. If an appointment is booked less than 24 hours in advance there is no cancellation period to avoid the $100 deposit loss.
In the event you need to reschedule your appointment date or time, kindly give as much advance notice as possible. If you reschedule with less than 24 hours until your original appointment it will result in loss of any cancellation grace period. If you cancel the rescheduled appointment $100 will be forfeited and the remaining balance refunded to you. There is a maximum rescheduling of two (2) times.
By holding an in-person consultation you understand and agree to the following:
-It is preferred that only 2 parents and the baby are present in the room the session is held in.
-If Michelle Kunschke has any symptoms of or known exposures to Covid-19 you will be notified and the appointment will proceed virtually
- If the client or anyone in the client’s household has any symptoms of, or known exposures to Covid-19, they must notify Michelle with as much notice as possible and the appointment will proceed virtually.