Help with infant feeding
Tethered oral tissue: tongue tie, lip tie support
Bottle feeding skills
Bottle refusal
Breast refusal
Weight gain issues
Preterm and early term babies
Infant stooling concerns
Breastfeeding a medically fragile baby
Help with lactation
Low milk supply
Milk oversupply
Painful latch
Clogged ducts
Breastfeeding after trauma
Nipple damage
IGT (insufficient glandular tissue) and hypoplasia
Breastfeeding after c-section or other procedure
Lactation after breast surgery (e.g. augmentation, reduction, lift, trauma)
Help with pumping
Flange fitting
Pumping discomfort
Choosing a pump
Back to work or school
Milk storage best practices
Prenatal and lactation classes
First baby
Twins and more
Making it a better experience with the next baby
Expecting a special needs baby
Re-lactation and Induced lactation