I can’t wait to help you and your new baby. I have been assisting families make breastfeeding pain-free and enjoyable for eight years. I have a special focus on providing warm, evidenced based care. I completed my 500 hour clinical internship at the UC Davis Medical Center. My practice is inclusive and non-discriminatory.
I have specialized training including identification of signs of tethered oral tissues (such as tongue tie and lip tie). I am a proud attendee of the Oral Habilitation of the Dyad IBCLC Master Class. I continue to expand and develop quality referrals for issues pertaining to dysfunctions that interfere with feeding, sleep, and behavior of infants and young children.
How is an IBCLC qualified to help me?
This is one of the most important questions you can ask.
An IBCLC is the only board certified health care professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding.
There are many types of helpers and they serve families in their own way.
A La Leche League Leader (or similar organization representative) is a mother-to-mother, lay helper who cheerleads the cause and supports within the normal course of breastfeeding.
A certified lactation counselor (CLC) or Women Infant Children (WIC) peer counselor have taken brief courses and demonstrated basic understandings of encouraging and providing assistance to breastfeeding families.
An IBCLC is required to satisfactorily complete the following college courses...
Biology - Human Anatomy and Physiology - Infant and Child Growth and Development - Clinical Research / Statistics - Nutrition - Psychology - Sociology / Cultural Sensitivity / Cultural Anthropology - Basic Life Support - Medical Documentation - Medical Terminology - Occupational Safety and Security for Health Professionals - Professional Ethics for Health Professionals - Universal Safety Precautions and Infection Control
90 hours lactation specific education
Depending on pathway and/or professional healthcare background, about 500 hours of supervised clinical experience
The candidate may apply to the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) to request to sit for the exam
…where they will need to demonstrate proficiency as related to human lactation and breastfeeding in:
anatomy and physiology - endocrinology - nutrition and biochemistry - immunology and infectious diseases - maternal and infant pathology - pharmacology - toxicology - psychology - cultural sensitivity - infant growth parameters and milestones - interpretation of research and statistics - ethics and legal issues - equipment and techology - breastfeeding techniques - public health
and finally,
the IBCLC must recertify with the board of examiners every 5 years
Continuing education is an on-going requirement.
Michelle is due for her second recertification in 2025.
To date, Michelle has taken over 2
times the required continuing education hours.